Children in Worship

We love the presence of our littlest ones in worship! Worship is a place where all of us, including children, experience what it means to be loved by God, how to praise God, and how to thank God.  Historically, worship is a central place where children have learned about the faith.

In addition to occasional special projects in worship for children, we provide

  • A time of Word and Wonder at our 11am service during the program year. Children are invited to accompany Ms. Saula to the chapel for a Bible story during the sermon.
    Children’s bulletins and activity bags.
  • Opportunities to serve (reach out to Deacon Sarah for more info).
  • Our Prayground at the back of the Sanctuary.
  • A staffed nursery for children 5 and under.


To the Grown-Ups

We know it can be complicated to worship with young children.  We are here to support you as your raise children in the faith.  At LMC we are a family of faith which means that we all have a role to play in raising our children in the faith. Here are some ways you can support children in worship:

  • Introduce yourself and open the door to relationship and support down the road.
  • Share the peace with children.
  • Bring snacks.
  • Model the life of faith you want your children to have by making worship a priority and talking joyfully about church. Children will see that church is a positive place to be.
  • If a child is crying in church and you catch their eye, smile and make a goofy face back.
  • Sit close to the front and show them how to follow along in the bulletin. If you’re not ready for the front of church, explore the Prayground in the back of the Sanctuary.
  • Volunteer as a family to be ushers so your child can participate as a leader. Children love to participate, and this will give them a sense of identity in their faith family.
  • Bring your child to the lectern with you if you serve as a reader in church.
  • Explore the balcony during church. Often there are less people upstairs and plenty of space to explore.
